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MIN is winning...

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:07 pm
by Green Bay Bombers
... with a competitive team and an old Austrailian Football adage... balls to the wall aggressive PPPs on offense (2 point conversions every time) and defense (go for the INT every time)... I once lost to an Aussie in a championship game when he went max aggressive and I stayed the course, and he won 31-30 because he went for 2 and I went for 1... just sayin... it's an old trick, but an effective one when no one is looking? He better hope his luck holds... there comes a time when the DB whiffs on the INT and the opposing team gains big yards, or incurs the odd defensive pass interference penalty... and the opposing team recgnizes and stuffs the 2 point play? Just thought y'all might like to know...